Published Articles

Review of ‘Anima’, by Kapka Kassabova: Times Literary Supplement

Review of ‘Every Living Thing: The great and deadly race to know all life’, by Jason Roberts: The Freethinker

When patients are not themselves: American Journal of Bioethics

Review of ‘Hunt for the Shadow Wolf: The lost history of wolves in Britain and the myths and stories that surround them’ by Derek Gow: Fortean Times

Reviews of ‘The loneliness files’, by Athena Dixon, ‘Alone: reflections on solitary living’, by Daniel Schreiber, and ‘This Exquisite Loneliness’, by Richard Deming: Times Literary Supplement

The Highbrow Caveman: Why ‘high culture’ is atavistic: The Freethinker

The ethics of whistleblowing: Seen and Unseen

Reviews of ‘Psychonauts: Drugs and the Making of the Modern Mind’ by Mike Jay, ‘Ten Trips: The New Reality of Psychedelics’ by Andy Mitchell, ‘Psychedelics: The revolutionary drugs that could change your life’ by David Nutt, and ‘I Feel Love: MDMA and the Quest for Connection in a Fractured World by Rachel Nuwer: Times Literary Supplement

Our most basic truth (How dignity should inform our writing): Columbia Journalism Review

‘Dignity’: Seen and Unseen

Review of ‘Why animals talk: The new science of animal communication’, by Arik Kershenbaum: Literary Review

Otter: Emergence magazine

Use dignity, not its parasites or offspring: American Journal of Bioethics

Review of ‘Crossings’, by Ben Goldfarb: Literary Review

Should pine martens be reintroduced to Exmoor? Exmoor Review, 2024

How to be a God, by Richard Bartle: Fortean Times

Reviews of ‘God is an octopus’, by Ben Goldsmith, ‘When grief equals love’, by Lizzie Pickering, and ‘Elowen’, by William Henry Searle: Times Literary Supplement.

Review of ‘Proof of Survival of Consciousness beyond Permanent Bodily Death’: Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies: Fortean Times

Become Upper Palaeolithic, for you and the planet: Exonian, 2023

Review of ‘In the Eye of the Wild’, by Nastassja Martin: Common Knowledge

Ethically alluring but legally destructive: A response to Garland et al: American Journal of Bioethics

Review of ‘The Power of Trees’, by Peter Wohlleben: The Guardian

Review of ‘Pan: The great god’s modern return’, by Paul Robichaud: Times Literary Supplement

Review of ‘Saving Time: Discovering a life beyond the clock’, by Jenny Odell: Times Literary Supplement

Review of ‘The Long View: Why we need to transform how the world sees time’, by Richard Fisher: Literary Review

Review of ‘West: Tales of the Lost Lands’, by Martin Wall: Fortean Times, November 2023

Review of ‘Sentience: The invention of consciousness’, by Nicholas Humphrey: Fortean Times, March 2023

Review of ‘The Rise and Fall of the Emerald Tigers’, by Raghu Cundawat: Common Knowledge

Review of ‘The Darkness Manifesto: How Darkness Threatens the Ancient Rhythms of Life’ by Johan Eklöf: Literary Review, January 2023

Review of ‘The Superhumanities: Historical Precedents, Moral Objections, New Realities’, by Jeffrey Kripal: Fortean Times, January 2023

Review of ‘Homo sapiens rediscovered: The scientific revolution rewriting our origins’, by Paul Pettitt: Times Literary Supplement, November 2022

A haunted man on a haunted moor: Henry Williamson and The Chains: Exmoor Review, 2022

Loving wisdom, living wisdom, teaching wisdom: A response to Sullivan: American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience: October 2022

Review of ‘The Flow: Rivers, water and wildness’ by Amy-Jane Beer: Times Literary Supplement, October 2022

Review of ‘Dark Persuasion: A History of Brainwashing from Pavlov to Social Media by Joel E Dimsdale”: Fortean Times, November 2022

Review of ‘An Immense World: How animals senses reveal the hidden realms around us’ by Ed Yong: Times Literary Supplement, August 2022

Review of ‘The dawn of everything: A new history of humanity’, by David Graeber and David Wengrow: Fortean Times, September 2022

Review of ‘Wilderness Cure’, by Mo Wilde: Times Literary Supplement, July 2022

Review of ‘God: An anatomy’ by Francesca Stavrakopoulou: Fortean Times, March 2022

Aping early man to find out what it means to be human: The Times, 3 December 2021

One square yard of Brendon Common: Exmoor Review Vol. 63 (2022)

Review of ‘Decoding Jung’s metaphysics’ by Bernado Kastrup: Fortean Times, December 2021

Top ten books on consciousness: The Guardian, September 2021

We need better stories: Big Issue, September 2021

Lockdown and the decay of human agency: Collateral Global, September 2021

Against nature writing: Emergence magazine (2021)

What’s so great about consciousness? American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience, (2021) 12:2-3

Review of ‘This is your mind on plants’ by Michael Pollan: The Oldie, July 2021

Window to the wild: Getting philosophical about taxidermy: Bloom, 2021

Supporting people who have eating and drinking difficulties (with Karen Porter and others): Clinical Medicine (2021)

Is There a New Duty to Warn Family Members in English Medical Law? (with Roy Gilbar):Medical Law Review

Ectoparasiticides and the precautionary principle: Veterinary Record 188(4); 291-292

The five best nature books of 2020: Five Books, December 2020

Review of ‘Vesper flights’, by Helen Macdonald: The Oldie, October 2020

Withdrawing treatment from patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness: The presumption in favour of the maintenance of life is legally robust: Journal of Medical Ethics

Review of ‘The Land of Maybe’, by Tim Escott: The Oldie, July 2020

Review of ‘Sitopia’, by Carolyn Steel: The Oldie, June 2020

‘Who are you today?’ Problems of identity in psychiatry: British Journal of Psychiatry International

Review of ‘Supernatural Cities: Enchantment, Anxiety and Spectrality’, edited by Karl Bell: Fortean Times, April 2020

Review of ‘Footprints: In search of future fossils’, by David Farrier: The Oldie, March 2020

To be coherently beneficient, be communitarian: American Journal of Bioethics

Animal books: a reading list: The Guardian, December 2019

The five best nature books of 2019: Five Books, December 2019

The veterinary profession’s reponsibility towards the environment (with Keith Powell): Veterinary Record, 21 November 2019

Doctors are, and should be, morally common: Journal of Medical Ethics

Mass Extinction: New Philosopher, Issue 25, 2019

Deal with the real, not the notional patient, and don’t ignore important uncertainties: Journal of Medical Ethics

Kious and Battin’s dilemma resolved: American Journal of Bioethics

Review of ‘Mudlarking: Lost and found on the River Thames’, by Lara Maiklem: The Oldie, September 2019

Dignity: be philosophical and European, but not Scottish: (Human dignity in the Scots law concept of injuria): Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (2019) 28: 534-541

On the language of the deep blue (the language of the West Coast community of killer whales): Emergence, July 2019

Making the biggest story small: Columbia Journalism Review, July 2019

Transformation as homecoming: The Clearing, June 2019

Review of ‘How to catch a mole’, by Marc Hamer: The Oldie, June 2019

“Review of ‘No way but Gentlenesse’, by Richard Hines: Common Knowledge, 2020

Review of ‘Euthanasia, Ethics and Public Policy’, by John Keown: New Law Journal, May 2019

Review of ‘Insects are extraordinary’, by Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson: Evening Standard, April 2019

Review of ‘Ways to go beyond’, by Rupert Sheldrake: Literary Review, March 2019

It is never lawful or ethical to withdraw life-sustaining treatment from patients with Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness: Journal of Medical Ethics

Whose duty of care? Darnley in the Supreme Court: New Law Journal (2019) 169 (7823); 15-16

Review of ‘The Light in the Dark’, by Horatio Clare: The Oldie, December 2018

Environmental risk assessment of veterinary medicines (with Keith Powell and Simon Evans): Veterinary Record, December 2018

Environmental dangers of veterinary anti-parasitic agents (with Keith Powell and Simon Evans): Veterinary Record, November 2018

The best nature books of 2018: Five Books

The rebirth of medical paternalism: An NHS Trust v Y: Journal of Medical Ethics, October 2018

Review of ‘Landfill’, by Tim Dee: The Oldie, October 2018, p. 57

Review of ‘A Honeybee Heart has Five Openings’ by Helen Jukes: Caught by the River

Setting the record straight on causation: New Law Journal (2018) 168: 7808; 11-12: New Law Journal

Unsentimental accounts of animal-human bonds: The Guardian, 4 August 2018

Reviews of ‘Whalebone’ by Nicholas Pyenson, and ‘Orca’ by Jason M. Colby: Literary Review, August 2018

Review of ‘Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are?’, by Frans de Waal: Common Knowledge (2018) 24(2): 325-6

Review of ‘What a fish knows’, by Jonathan Balcombe: Common Knowledge (2018) 24(2): 315-6

Review of ‘Science and Spiritual Practices’, by Rupert Sheldrake: The Oldie, April 2018

Should pregnant mothers owe a duty in tort to the foetus? (with Julian Savulescu): New Law Journal, 5 January 2018

Review of ‘Animals strike curious poses’ by Elena Passarello: The Oldie, December 2017

The best nature writing of 2017: Five Books, December 2017

Identity, Personhood, and the Law: A response to Ashcroft and McGee (with Jonathan Herring): Journal of Medical Ethics, December 2017

It’s arrived! Relational autonomy comes to court (with Roy Gilbar): Medical Law Review, fwx044, October 2017

Miraggio verde: La Repubblica: August 2017 (in Italian)

Living Philosophers: Julian Savulescu: Prospect, August 2017

On the epistemic value of becoming a badger: Politics and Poetics: Vol. 3: August 2017

Ho visit come un tasso: La Repubblica: June 2017 (in Italian)

Taking lessons from London’s foxes: Time Out, May 2017

Review of ‘Linescapes’ by Hugh Warwick: The Oldie, May 2017

Why I lived like a badger, an otter, a deer, and a swift: Sand-Spout, May 2017

Identity, Personhood and the Law: Journal of Medical Ethics: Author meets critics (with Jonathan Herring)

Eight Expectations:Review of ‘Other Minds: The octopus and the evolution of intelligent life’, by Peter Godfrey-Smith: Literary Review, March 2017

Being a Beast: Scoop magazine, Issue 6, p. 34

‘In defense of legal obscurity: American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience (2017) 8(1): 39-41

If you were an elephant: The Guardian, January 2017

Notes from an author: Travels in NW Scotland: National Geographic, December 2016

The Gruffalo: A biologist’s advice to the little brown mouse: Cotswold Life, December 2016, p. 32

Want to understand your animal side? Head to the Wellcome Collection: The Spectator, November 2016

Zoological method acting: The Guardian: November 2016

Being a wild thing: New Philosopher (2016) 14; 40-44

Does the English law of abortion affront human dignity? The New Bioethics (2016) 22(3); 162-184

Compulsory treatment: ask who the patient really is. A reply to Mirko Garasic: Journal of Medical Ethics (2016) doi:10.1136/medethics-2016-103580.

Is there a duty to respect ‘historical’ faith? Christian proselytism of an older Jewish woman with dementia’: Journal of Law and Religion (2016) 31(2): 118-129 (with Issi Doron)

Royal College of Surgeons’ guidance signals end to paternalistic approach: LexisNexis PSL, November 2016

Why I lived like a badger, an otter, a deer and a swift: The Conversation: September 2016: published elsewhere, including the Independent, the Daily Mail, and The Slate

Reimagining the Papacy: Review of ‘In the Vatican Vaults’: Fortean Times, July 2016, p. 63

Will education change who my dyslexic son is? Prospect magazine, July 2016

One man’s quest to fly with the birds: Nautilus: June 2016

Aboriginal healthcare and bioethics: the Seven Grandfathers trump the Four Principles: American Journal of Bioethics (2016) 16(5); 54-56

The revised Declaration of Helsinki: Cosmetic or real change? (with Aisha Malik): Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine (2016) 109(5): 184-9

Don’t throw out the baby of autonomy: talk to the mother instead: American Journal of Bioethics (2016) 16(2); 57-59

The ethics of non-consensual HIV testing are not substantively different from the ethics of overriding the right not to know a test result: Journal of Medical Ethics (2016) 42: 106-107

Thoughts from an experiment in being hunted like a deer: Outside magazine, June 2016

Epilogue: Fortean Times: April 2016

A material contribution to legal clarity: New Law Journal, March 2016

Meet the author: Daily Telegraph: 5 March 2016

Being a badger: BBC Wildlife Magazine: February 2016

Author’s Reads: Geographical Magazine, February 2016

Being a Beast: extract: Daily Mail, February 2016

Being a Beast: extract: Guardian, February 2016

Harm: as indeterminate as best interests, but useful for triage: J Med Ethics (2015) 103209

Human Dignity: A response to Camosy and Huxtable: J Med Ethics doi:10.1136/medethics-2015-102868

Doctors’ liability to the patient’s relatives in genetic medicine (with Roy Gilbar): Medical Law Review (2015) doi.10.1093/medlaw/fwv037

Elements of the Wild: A Review of Jay Griffiths’ Savage Grace: Ecopsychology (2015); 7(3):178-181. DOI:10.1089/eco.2015.0058

Who’s in charge: Medical law, medical ethics and medical morality: with Jose Miola: Medical Law Review (2015) doi: 10.1093/medlaw/fwv004

Suicide tourism may change attitudes to assisted suicide – but not through the courts: Journal of Medical Ethics (2015) 41: 8: 620

The last word on consent? (Montgomery): New Law Journal: April 2015

Swimming the Hellespont: Ripcord Adventure Journal, January 2015

Dignity and the ownership and use of body parts: Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (2014) 23(4): 417-430

From informed consent to informed request: strengthening shared decision-making: Indian Journal of Bioethics (2014) 11(1) (with Aisha Malik)

The joint account model of clinical confidentiality and its application to problems in clinical genetics: with Jonathan Herring, Michael Dunn and Magnus Boyd: J Med Ethics doi:10.1136/medethics-2014-102142

Logos, mythos, a small boy and academic despair: Earthlines, March 2014

Jurors have rights too (Archbold Review: February 2014 (with Julian Savulescu)

Ethics, evidence and the Abortion Act 1967: Criminal Bar Quarterly: Summer 2014 (2): 8-9

Review of ‘Betrayed’, by Richard Scorer’: New Law Journal: June 2014

Review of ‘Law, Ethics and Responsibility at the Limits of Life’ by Richard Huxtable: Medical Law Review, Summer 2014

Testing the limits of the joint account model of genetic information: a legal thought experiment (with Jonathan Herring and Magnus Boyd): Journal of Medical Ethics

Game of Life: (Advanced decisions): New Law Journal (2014) 164 (7613); 6 (4 July 2014)

Discovering the Lead Codices (review): Fortean Times, September 2014

From intention to foresight, and back again: a reply to McGee (with Jonathan Herring, Karen Melham and Tony Hope): Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics

Review of ‘The Fragmentation of a Sect’, by David Barrett: Fortean Times

Review of ‘Death or Disability’, by Dominic Wilkinson: European Journal of Health Law 20(5); 532-539

Author meets critics: Human Dignity in Bioethics and Law: Journal of Medical Ethics: doi.10.1136/medethics-2013-101339

Autonomy in the medico-legal courtroom: a principle fit for purpose? Medical Law Review 10.1093/medlaw/fwt079

Taking an interest in best interests (James in the Supreme Court): New Law Journal. 13 December 2013, 15-16

Should female cosmetic genital surgery and genital piercing be regarded ethically and legally as female genital mutilation? (with Brenda Kelly): British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012: DOI 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2011.03260x

‘Please don’t tell me’: The right not to know. (with Jonathan Herring). Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (2012) 21, 20-29

The biology of spiritual experience: Part 1: Fortean Times, April 2012, p. 42

The origins and non-origins of religion: Fortean Times, May 2012

Review of ‘The New Universe and the Human Future’ by Nancy Ellen Abrams and Joel Primack, Contemporary Review, March 2012, p. 98

Welfare means relationality, virtue and altruism (with Jonathan Herring), Legal Studies

If you ask the wrong question, you’ll get the wrong answer: Journal of Medical Ethics: 2012: doi. 10.1136/mediethics-2012-100682

What sort of DNAR order is that? (with Tony Hope), Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

Dignity and the use of body parts: Journal of Medical Ethics 2014;40:44-47 doi:10.1136/medethics-2012-100763 (first published online 2012)

The Self Illusion (review): Fortean Times, October 2012

De-cluttering religion: The theological boot sale: Third Way, October 2012

Assisted Suicide: Engaging with the debate: Living and Dying Well, November 2012

The elephant in the (board) room: the role of contract research organisations in international clinical research (with Aisha Malik): American Journal of Bioethics (2012) 12(11): 49-50

When autonomy kills: the case of Sami Mbarka Ben Garci (with Mirko Garasic) Medicine and Law (2012) 31(4): 589-97

The Double Effect Effect (with Jonathan Herring, Karen Melham and Tony Hope): Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (2011) 20(1): 46-55

Badshot and the Winter Wonderland: Shooting Times, January 2011

Badshot and the dog’s dog: Shooting Times, February 2011

Badshot restores the sacred order: Shooting Times, March 2011

Review of ‘The Master and his Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World’ by Iain McGilchrist: Contemporary Review, Spring 2011

Review of ‘Autonomy, Consent and the law’ by Sheila McLean: Mortality: 15(2): 178-179

Badshot and the balanced ecosystem: Shooting Times, April 2011

Badshot and the amphibious ferret: Shooting Times, May 2011

The physiology of out of body experiences (review): Fortean Times, June 2011

Badshot in God’s own country: Shooting Times, June 2011

Badshot turns red: Shooting Times, Badshot turns red, August 2011

Please don’t tell me’: The Right Not to Know’ (2011) 21 Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (with Jonathan Herring) 1-10

Autonomy should chair, not rule: The Lancet, Vol. 375(9712):368-69

Why doctors should get a life: Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 102(12) 519-520

Autonomy and Welfare as Amici curiae (with Mikey Dunn): Medical Law Review, 2010

Turning a blind eye to crime: health professionals and the Sexual Offences Act 2003 (with Tony Hope and Sally Hope): British Journal of General Practice 60(570); 64-65(2)

Review of ‘Abortion: Three perspectives’ by Tooley, Devine and Jaggar: Contemporary Review

Review of ‘Bad laws’ by Philip Johnston: Contemporary Review, Winter 2010

Badshot and the Moment of Triumph: Shooting Times, January 2010

Badshot and the Moment of Triumph: Shooting Times, January 2010

Badshot’s Call of Nature: Shooting Times, February 2010

Badshot, the badger’s friend: Shooting Times, March 2010

Badshot gets stuffed: Shooting Times, May 2010

Badshot ties a fly: Shooting Times, April 2010

Badshot and the alternative lifestyle, Shooting Times, June 2010

Badshot’s MacNab, Shooting Times, July 2010

Advance directives and personality-changing illness: British Journal of Nursing (2010) Vol 19, No. 15; 926-927

Our diabolical correspondent: Third Way, July 2010

Badshot and the A list, Shooting Times, August 2010

Badshot, master of camouflage, Shooting Times, September 2010

Review of ‘A new science: The discovery of religion in the age of reason’ by Guy Stroumsa: Fortean Times, September 2010

Assisted dying: the law: Living and Dying Well, October 2010

Badshot, Mink Man, Shooting Times, October 2010

Badshot picks up, Shooting Times, November 2010

Badshot and the coup de grace: Shooting Times, January 2009

Badshot, Bushman: Shooting Times, February 2009

Badshot and the white wonderland: Shooting Times, February 2009

Review of ‘Truths Breathed through Silver: The Inklings’ Moral and Mythopoeic Legacy: The C.S. Lewis Chronicle, Lent 2009′

Badshot goes foxing: Shooting Times, March 2009

Carelessness killed the cat: Damages in veterinary negligence cases: Personal Injury Law Journal, PILJ (2009) No. 74: April: pp. 15-17

Badshot and the lost youth of England: Shooting Times, April 2009

Medical law too often doffs its cap to the doctor’s white coat: The Times, 21 May 2009, Law p. 66

Badshot and the Goshawk: Shooting Times, May 2009

The NHS should not treat self-inflicted illness: Oxford University online debate with Dr. Mark Sheehan

Badshot and the morphic field sports: Shooting Times, June 2009

The proposals for revision of the assisted suicide legislation: Daily Mail, June 2009

Badshot and the power of suggestion: Shooting Times, July 2009

Badshot and the Icelandic Therapeutic Massage: Shooting Times, August 2009

Badshot prepares for the season: Shooting Times, September 2009

Badshot and the majesty of the English law: Shooting Times, October 2009

Badshot and the high birds: Shooting Times, November 2009

Badshot and the ways of the Inuit: Shooting Times, December 2009

Blaming the patient: Contributory negligence in medical malpractice litigation (with Jonathan Herring): Professional Negligence (2009) Vol. 25(2): 76-90

Evangelical Christianity at University (Review of Meeting Jesus at University: Rites of Passage and Student Evangelicals, by Edward Dutton): Contemporary Review, Winter 2009, pp. 512-513

Badshot and the shot pattern, January 2008

Untwining the strands (LCN DNA analysis in criminal cases): New Law Journal (2008) Vol 158: No. 7306:157

Badshot goes beagling: Shooting Times, February 2008

Badshot and the big freeze: Shooting Times, March 2008

Review of ‘God’s Continent: Christianity, Islam and Europe’s Religious crisis’ by Philip Jenkins, Contemporary Review, Spring 2008, 111-112

Animal-Human hybrids: Do theology or philosophy help? Law and Justice: (2008) No. 160: 6-12

Sheepish behaviour (The Human Fertilization and Embryology Bill:New Law Journal (2008) Vol 158: No. 7323: 761

Badshot and the rural renaissance: Shooting Times, April 2008

Badshot, nature’s friend: Shooting Times, May 2008

Badshot and the fresh start: Shooting Times, June 2008

Conscience in the consultation: Triple Helix, Summer 2008, 10-11

Badshot and the lure of the east: Shooting Times, July 2008

A lost opportunity: (Reform of the Abortion Act) New Law Journal (2008) Vol 158: No. 7326: 889-890

Badshot and the high seat: Shooting Times, August 2008

The Swallow Tree: nth position, September 2008

Badshot and the cider press: Shooting Times, September 2008

Review of ‘Blasphemy in the Christian World: A history’, by David Nash: Contemporary Review, Autumn 2008: 374-376

Badshot goes ratting: Shooting Times, October 2008

Badshot and the Scotch Mist: Shooting Times, November 2008

Family: Unfair? Solicitors Journal, 26 January 2007: S.J. (2007) Vol.151 No.4 p. 102

Badshot and Jermyn Street, Shooting Times, January 2007

Badshot and the Euston sleeper: Shooting Times, January 2007

Badshot and the monster eel: Shooting Times, February 2007

Badshot goes international: Shooting Times, March 2007

Badshot: Tarmac gourmet: Shooting Times: May 2007

Nutritional support at the end of life: legal issues: European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 19(5): 389 (with Jamie Carpenter) (May 2007)

Investigating death: developments in the law of inquests: Solicitors Journal, 18 May 2007, p. 627

Simple rationality? The law of healthcare resource allocation in England. Journal of Medical Ethics, 2007; 33: 404-407

DNA testing: a practitioner’s guide, New Law Journal (2007) Vol.157 No.7278 pp.876-877

Should nurses perform surgical abortion? Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care (2007) Vol. 33(3): 221

Badshot and the dog psychoanalyst: Shooting Times, June 2007

A day in an old town: nth position

Badshot and the right and left: Shooting Times, July 2007

Badshot and the pigeon machine: Shooting Times, August 2007

The hole: nth position: August 2007

Badshot, field sports evangelist: Shooting Times, September 2007

Badshot and the new technology: Shooting Times, October 2007

Badshot and Samurai: Shooting Times, November 2007

Forty years on: (Should the Abortion Act 1967 be reviewed?): New Law Journal, Vol. 157: No. 7295, p. 1517

Blair’s laws: an audit of a depressing decade: Contemporary Review, Autumn 2007, p. 304

Review of ‘The God Delusion’, by Richard Dawkins: Contemporary Review, Autumn 2007, p. 374

Review of ‘The New Faces of Christianity: Believing the Bible in the Global South’, by Philip Jenkins, Contemporary Review, Autumn 2007, p. 379 (sub nom Thomas Badger)

Away in a Manger, Contemporary Review, Winter 2007, p. 502

The Troubled Helix: Counsel (2007) December, 14-15

Badshot is levelled in the Levels: Shooting Times,December 2007

The modern Englishman, G.K. Chesterton Quarterly, 35/35 p. 15

The Horned Man: Decanto Magazine: February 2006, p. 17.

Breakthrough: Decanto Magazine: February 2006, p. 16.

Will clinical guidelines replace judges? Medicine and Law (2006), Vol. 25:4: 586-592

Gillick rules OK (The Sue Axon case): Solicitors Journal, 10 February 2006, p. 154: (2006) Vol.150 No.5: 154-155 and on the website of the UK Clinical Ethics Network

Doctors have rights too: BMJ Rapid Response, February 2006

Review of ‘The New Turkey: The Quiet Revolution on the edge of Europe’, by Chris Morris, Contemporary Review, Spring 2006, p. 105

Near Eastern travel: the long perspective: Contemporary Review, Spring 2006, p. 87

Levelled in the Levels. Shooting Times, 16 March 2006

Submissions from non-existent claimants: The non-identity problem and the law : Medicine and Law: 25(1); 159-174 (with Professor Tony Hope and Dr. John McMillan)

Badshot’s Wolds Woe: Shooting Times, 13 April 2006

Buying Life: (The Herceptin judgment in the Court of Appeal): Solicitors Journal, 5 May 2006, p. 558 (Vol 150: No. 17; 558) and on the website of the UK Clinical Ethics Network.

Badshot and Samurai: Shooting Times, 11 May 2006

Always look on the bright side of life: The case of Re MB: Healthcare Risk Report, June 2006, Vol. 12(7): p. 23

The edge of life and the edge of the law: Re MB. Family Law Journal, June 2006, No. 67: p. 8

Badshot, Eco-Warrior: Shooting Times, 22 June 2006

Mercy killing: All change, or business as usual? Law and Justice, No. 156, Hilary/Easter 2006, p.48

Badshot goes back to nature: Shooting Times, 27 July 2006

The role of clinical guidelines in medical negligence litigation: A shift from the Bolam standard? : (with Ash Samanta, Michelle Mello, John Tingle and Jo Samanta): Medical Law Review, 14, Autumn 2006 pp.321-366

Badshot, Bucksman: Shooting Times, 17 August 2006

Disclosing medical records (R (on the application of B ) v Stafford Combined Court Centre), Solicitors Journal (2006) Vol.150 No.33 p. 1102: 25 August 2006

TV: Switch it off now. The Times, 30 August 2006, T2: p. 2

Ferreting with finesse: Shooting Times, 14 September 2006

From Knightsbridge to the Nations: The Alpha movement and the future of Christendom: Contemporary Review, Autumn 2006, p. 320

Review of ‘Constantinople: the last great siege’, by Roger Crowley): Contemporary Review, Autumn 2006, p. 379

Badshot on the foreshore: Shooting Times, October 2006

Expert immunity after GMC v Meadow: (with Nick Peacock): Solicitors Journal, 3 November 2006: S.J. (2006) Vol.150 No.42 p.1406

Badshot and the upper echelons: Shooting Times, November 2006

When NICE says no: (the debate about the funding of Alzheimer’s disease drugs): New Law Journal (2006) Vol.156 No.7251 p. 1813 (1 December 2006)

In defence of intolerability: Inter Alia Law Journal: Vol 5 (1): 23

Law and the Brain (Review): British Journal of Psychiatry (2006) 189: 570

Badshot’s Christmas cheer: Shooting Times, December 2006

Misrepresentations about prognosis and palliative options: some legal considerations: Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, January 2005

Dementia, best interests and budgets: New Law Journal, 28 January 2005, p. 144

Last chance for lost chances: (Gregg v Scott in the House of Lords): New Law Journal, 18 February 2005, p. 248

Review of ‘The Life and Death of Smallpox’ by Ian and Jennifer Glynn): Contemporary Review, March 2005, p. 182

Halal and kosher slaughter: Civil liberties considerations: Law and Justice, Lent 2005

Review of ‘Contending visions of the Middle East: the history and politics of Orientalism’ by Zachary Lockman: Contemporary Review, April 2005, p. 240

The Metaphysics of Feeding Tubes: The Law & Ethics of Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment: Law and Justice: Hilary/Easter 2005

Review of ‘A Biblical view of law and justice’, by David McIlroy: Triple Helix, Spring 2005, p. 21

Burke v General Medical Council: The first instance decision: Triple Helix, Spring 2005, p. 22

In the damp footsteps of Leander: Swimming the Hellespont: April 2005

Designing babies: (The Hashmi case in the House of Lords): Solicitors Journal, 13 May 2005, p. 561

Police duty of care: (Brooks v Chief Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis): Solicitors Journal, 27 May 2005, p. 620

Out in the cold again: The woods of northern Minnesota: Contemporary Review, June 2005, p. 363

Don’t be afraid to blame Blair: Irish Independent, 15 July 2005

Review of ‘Machiavelli: a man misunderstood’, by Michael White): Contemporary Review, August 2005, p. 118

Staying fair: (the problem of parallel civil and disciplinary proceedings): Solicitors Journal, 9 September 2005, p.1036

What is man, that the judges are mindful of him? Lessons from the PVS cases: Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law, Vol. 5, September 2005

What autonomy really means: British Medical Journal: 2005; 331: 841-2 (8 October 2005)

A misanthropic Christmas in the Arctic Circle: Nth Position, October 2005

‘Pro-choice’ ought to mean exactly what it says: The Times: 11 October 2005: Law section p. 10

Baby Charlotte: The end of intolerability: (Wyatt in the Court of Appeal): Solicitors Journal, 21 October 2005, p. 1240 and on UK Clinical Ethics Network website

When two freedoms collide: (Article 9 and conscientious objection to abortion): New Law Journal, 28 October 2005, p. 1624

The law of abortion: From international comparison to legal policy (Review): New Law Journal, 4 November 2005, p. 1677

Conscientious objection to abortion: Ethics, polemics and law: Triple Helix, Autumn 2005, p. 7

Fixing what ain’t bust: the Leslie Burke debacle: Triple Helix, Autumn 2005, p. 14

Iceland: The curse of the new conformity: Contemporary Review, November 2005, p. 281

Burke: A tale of unhappy endings: Journal of Personal Injury Law: December 2005, p. 293: [2005] JPIL Issue 4/05: 293 and on the website of the UK Clinical Ethics Network.

Patient consent to Do Not Resucitate orders: E-letters to Journal of Medical Ethics OnLine: 18 February 2004

Israel and Palestine: Two views (Review of Israel and Palestine: Why they fight and can they stop? by Bernard Wasserstein, and Arafat: The Biography, by Tony Walker and Andrew Gowers). Contemporary Review, January 2004, p. 49

Tribesmen’s blood spilt for want of a good law: The Times, 27 January 2004, Law Section, p. 12

Truly Scrumpy-tious: Somerset Cider Brandy: The Countryman, March 2004, p 62

Paying attention to neglect (Ex parte Middleton and ex p Sacker in the House of Lords: Solicitors Journal, 2 April 2004, p. 370

The Six Day War and the Middle East: Review of “Six Days” by Jeremy Bowen : Contemporary Review, May 2004, p. 303

The word on the Arab street: Arab popular opinion in the aftermath of the Iraq war: Contemporary Review, June 2004, p. 321

Flaws in the case for Europe: The Independent: 16 June 2004

Time to test the law (territorial limits of the law of assisting suicide): British Medical Journal: Rapid Response: 17 June 2004

Beginnings: Reflections on the status of the early embryo: Law and Justice, No. 152, Hilary/Easter 2004, p. 93

Coroners’ Courts (Review of Dorries’ book): Solicitors Journal, July 30 2004, p. 906

Review of ‘Moshe Dayan’, by Martin Van Creveld): Contemporary Review, August 2004, p. 114

Right to life: (Vo v France in the ECtHR): Solicitors Journal, 13 August 2004, p. 957

Review of ‘God, Guns and Israel: Britain, the First World War and the Jews in the Holy Land’, by Jill Hamilton. Contemporary Review, September 2004, p. 175

Right to Survive (The Lesley Burke case): Solicitors Journal, 1 October 2004: p. 1110

Ten reasons to drink real ale: October 2004

Pro-life lobby and its pyrrhic victories: The Times, 26 October 2004: Law section, p. 5

Killing by degrees: R v Misra and the modern law of gross negligence manslaughter: Solicitors Journal, 29 October 2004, p. 1226

It should be, therefore it is: (Chester v Afshar in the House of Lords): New Law Journal, 5 November 2004, p. 1644 (also in Medical Law: Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press: Ed. Emily Jackson, to be published July 2006.)

Rural impotence and governmental cynicism: The hunting debate in Britain: Contemporary Review, November 2004, p. 257

South Africa: Why the Rainbow Dream must be delivered: Salisbury Review, Winter 2004, p. 10

Current issues in the law of genetics: New Law Journal, 10 January 2003, p. 29

Litigation, blame and justice: Triple Helix, Winter 2003, p. 6

Indonesia and West Papua: Contemporary Review, February 2003, p. 73

Dandruff, data protection and dead bodies: Counsel magazine, April 2003, p. 12

Section 6, spies and videotape: (Jones v University of Warwick): Solicitors Journal, 25 April 2003, p. 466

Those about to die must be told all the facts: (Issues of consent in euthanasia): The Times, 3 June 2003: Law section, p. 5

Embryo matching: R v HFEA ex p Quintavalle in the Court of Appeal: Solicitors Journal, 20 June 2003, p. 712

Making Amends? The Chief Medical Officer’s report on clinical negligence: Solicitors Journal, 11 July 2003, p. 795

International law: Another casualty of the Iraq War? Contemporary Review, August 2003, p. 76

Review of ‘The Far-Farers: A Journey from Viking Iceland to Crusader Jerusalem’, by Victoria Clarke: Contemporary Review, September 2003

Injection of pragmatism (Children and medical consent: lessons from MMR): Solicitors Journal, 19 September 2003, p. 1050

Ways round Goodes: Journal of Personal Injury Law, September 2003, p. 143: [2003] JPIL 143

The questions to ask a husband (or wife) before sex (R v Mohammed Dica): The Times, 21 October 2003: Law Section, p. 6

Effective inquiries (ex p Amin and ex p Farooq): Solicitors Journal, 31 October 2003, p. 1219

Patient consent to Do Not Resucitate orders: E-letter to Journal of Medical Ethics OnLine: 18 December 2003

The HFEA 1990 begins to leak: ex p Quintavalle and the Human Reproductive Cloning Act 2001: Genetics Law Monitor: Vol. 2, Issue 4: January/February 2002, p. 1

A Letter from Auschwitz to my daughters: Contemporary Review, January 2002, p. 47

The Miss B case: autonomy unto death: Solicitors Journal, 15 March 2002, p. 233

Drug-facilitated sexual assault: (review of the book of that name, edited by Marc LeBeau and Ashraf Mozayani): Solicitors Journal, 29 March 2002, p. 290

Judgment Day: The lessons of Pretty in the ECHR and Miss B: Solicitors Journal, 17 May 2002, p. 450

Hemlock in Strasbourg: Triple Helix, Summer 2002, p. 16

The price of super-specialism: The demise of the common lawyer: New Law Journal, Vol. 152 No. 7046: p. 1297 (6 September 2002)

Consent and confidentiality: Legal implications of electronic transmission of prescriptions
(With Professor Joy Wingfield)
: Pharmaceutical Journal, 7 September 2002, (Vol. 269), p. 328.

Review of ‘Holy Land, Unholy War’ by Anton La Guardia): Contemporary Review, September 2002, p. 179

Clone Wars: (the law and ethics of therapeutic cloning): Solicitors Journal, 8 November 2002, p. 1002

Plunge in the deep end of the gene pool: The Times, 19 November 2002: Law section p. 4

The First Crusaders in Lebanon: Archaeology and History in Lebanon, Issue 16, Autumn 2002, pp. 2-10

Lost Chance: Gregg v Scott in the Court of Appeal: Solicitors Journal, 6 December 2002, p. 1105

Medication Errors (review of the book of that name by Robert Naylor): Solicitors Journal, 6 December 2002

Fifty glorious legal years? English law during the reign of Queen Elizabeth II: Contemporary Review, December 2002, p. 321

Behind the corporate bikeshed: Waters in the House of Lords: Solicitors’ Journal, 12 January 2001, p. 18

The price of pain: Codifying quantification: Health Care Risk Report, February 2001, p. 12

Alder Hey: the law behind the scandal: Solicitors’ Journal, 16 February 2001, p. 128

Hebron: An average day in the graveyard of innocence: Contemporary Review, March 2001, p. 129

Medical negligence: The cranium, spine and nervous system (Review of book of that name by Garfield and Earl): Solicitors’ Journal, 30 March 2001, p. 292

Alternative standards (Shakoor v Situ): Solicitors’ Journal, 20 April 2001, p. 356

The veneration of icons: Contemporary Review, May 2001, p. 291

Switching off: (NHS Trust A v M: NHS Trust B v H): Solicitors’ Journal, 25 May 2001, p. 472

Vicarious liability: Back to basics (Lister v Hesley Hall Ltd.): Solicitors’ Journal, 15 June 2001, p. 554

Operating within the law, by Bruce Campbell, Ken Callum and Nicholas Peacock: (Review): Solicitors’ Journal, 29 June 2001

Settling scores (Griffin v Kingsmill): Solicitors’ Journal, 7 September 2001, p. 800

The UK Law on Human Cloning: Where are we? Genetics Law Monitor, September/October 2001, p. 1

An African Odyssey (Riding in the Okavango Delta): Horse magazine, October 2001, p. 40

Arafat’s Agenda: Contemporary Review, October 2001, p. 208

Review of ‘Solly Zuckerman: A scientist out of the ordinary’, by John Peyton: Contemporary Review, November 2001, p. 306

Settling scores: (Griffin v Kingsmill): Writ magazine (the journal of the Law Society of Northern Ireland), Issue 129, November 2001, p. 1 (Reprint of article previously published in Solicitors’ Journal, 7 September 2001)

Review of ‘Brain and spine injuries: The fight for justice’, by Bill Braithwaite: Solicitors Journal, 30 November 2001, p. 1113

Review of ‘The war for Palestine: Rewriting the history of 1948’, by Eugene Rogan and Avi Shlaim (Ed)): Contemporary Review, December 2001, p. 369

Protecting the vulnerable (comment on the Dianne Pretty case): Solicitors’ Journal (editorial): 7 December 2001, p. 1122

On the edge (Poem): Fan the Flames: Poetry and Prose Quarterly: Issue 6, p. 3 (December 2001)

Clarity out of tragedy: The Dianne Pretty Case: Solicitors Journal, 21 December 2001, p. 1176

Wrongful birth: New light from the north (McFarlane v Tayside Health Board): Solicitors’ Journal, 21 January 2000, p. 38

Deducting benefits from damages for personal injury (Review): Solicitors’ Journal, 31 March 2000, p. 305

Personal Injury Practice (Review): Solicitors’ Journal, 31 March 2000, p. 305

Valuing suffering: The conjoined general damages appeals: Solicitors’ Journal, 7 April 2000, p. 318

Common sense guidelines for the conduct of expert meetings: The Expert, Spring 2000

Review of “R.D. Laing: A personal view”, by Bob Mullen: Contemporary Review, May 2000, p. 267

Causation: Rules of engagement: Health Care Risk Report, June 2000, p. 10

Negligence, neurosis and the de-railing of gravy trains: Viewpoint article in, June 2000

Review of ‘The Woman from Mossad: The torment of Mordechai Vananu’, by Peter Hounam: Contemporary Review, June 2000, p. 323

A material contribution to legal chaos: Holtby in the Court of Appeal: Solicitors’ Journal, 14 July 2000, p. 662

No grit, no salt, no claim: Goodes v East Sussex CC in the House of Lords: Solicitors’ Journal, 4 August 2000, p. 724

Confidentiality and genetic information: Genetics Law Monitor, Vol.1: Issue 2, p. 1: September/October 2000

Rocks and hard places: The Siamese twins case: Solicitors’ Journal, 13 October 2000, p. 922

Assad is dead: Will Assad live long?: Contemporary Review, October 2000, p. 221

Review of ‘Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881 – 1999’, by Benny Morris): Contemporary Review, October 2000, p. 244

The dangers of super-specialism: Viewpoint article in, November 2000

Causation: battle rules part 2: Health Care Risk Report, November 2000, p. 10

Thrown to the wolves: Wolf hunting in Kazakhstan: Shooting Gazette, February 1999

The trial process: an examination: Health Care Risk Report, February 1999, p. 10

Review of ‘Beyond the Darkness: A biography of Bede Griffiths’, by Shirley du Boulay): Contemporary Review, March 1999, p. 160

Jordan after King Hussein: Contemporary Review, April 1999, p. 169

Review of ‘Rig

Review of ‘An intelligent person’s guide to modern culture’, by Roger Scruton): Contemporary Review, May 1999, p. 270

Woolf and conditional fees: Health Care Risk Report, June 1999, p. 10

Pinochet in the House of Lords: Contemporary Review, June 1999, p. 292

A retrospective on foresight (Frost v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire): Solicitors’ Journal, 6 August 1999, p. 764

Immobilization of goitred gazelles (Gazella subgutterosa) and Arabian Mountain Gazelles (Gazella gazella) with xylazine-ketamine: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 30(3): 448-450. 1999

Two or three to tangle? (What should the rate of interest on general damages be?): Solicitors’ Journal, 22 October 1999, p. 974

New consent guidelines – a knee-jerk reaction: Health Care Risk Report, November 1999, p. 11

Review of ‘Gideon’s Spies’, by Gordon Thomas: Contemporary Review, November 1999, p. 267.

Meetings of experts under the CPR: Solicitors’ Journal, 10 December 1999, p. 1162

A gee-free zone: On Line In Print, December 1997/January 1998, p. 3

The Ambit of Inquests: Solicitors’ Journal, 9 January 1998, p. 16

The Surgeons sideline Sidaway: Solicitors’ Journal, 13 March 1998 p. 228

Review of ‘Jesus Matters’, by C.J. Den Heyer: Contemporary Review, April 1998, p. 218

Bolam: Consolidation and Clarification: Health Care Risk Report Vol. 4 Issue 5 (April 1998), p. 5

Death, Disembowelment, Deception and Damages: Professional Negligence Law Review, Issue 2, April 1998 p. 3

Bristol baby deaths: The Times, 20 June 1998.

Review of ‘Laughter at the foot of the cross’, by M.A. Screech: Contemporary Review, June 1998, p. 329

Anatomy of a medical negligence action: The opening shots: Health Care Risk Report: July/August 1998 p.11

A different kind of prudence (the multiplier cases in the House of Lords): Solicitors’ Journal, 31 July 1998, p. 714

Review of ‘Medical Negligence Litigation’, by Denis Carey: Solicitors’ Journal, 31 July 1998, p.723

Res ipsa loquitur: Clearing up the confusion (Ratcliffe in the Court of Appeal): Solicitors’ Journal, 14 August 1998, p.762

Review of ‘Affluence and Poverty in the Middle East’, by M. Riad El-Ghonemy: Contemporary Review, August 1998, p. 100

Streamlining disclosure to the GMC: Solicitors’ Journal, 18 September 1998, p. 844

Anatomy of a medical negligence action: The paper battle: Health Care Risk Report, October 1998, p. 12

Lost chances return to the personal injury fold (Doyle v Wallace in the Court of Appeal): Solicitors’ Journal, 2 October 1998, p. 891

Anatomy of a medical negligence action: Tactics: Health Care Risk Report, November 1998, p. 9

Review of ‘Progress and the Invisible Hand: The Philosophy and Economics of Human Advance’ by Richard Bronk): Contemporary Review, December 1998, p. 324

Contingency factors in personal injury multipliers: Solicitors’ Journal, 7 March 1997, p.212 (with Mark Bennet)

Liberalism in a body bag: The foundering of the Middle East peace process: Contemporary Review, June 1997, p. 300

Flogging a live horse: Part 1: Horse Law, Vol. 2, Issue 3, (July 1997) p. 6. Part 2: Horse Law, Vol. 2, Issue 4, (October 1997) p. 7 (reprinted from the Solicitors’ Journal).

Costly threats to health: Health Management, October 1997, p. 21

Medical negligence: The new cornerstone (Bolitho v City & Hackney HA): Solicitors’ Journal, 5 December 1997, p. 1150

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it: the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Bill 1995 : Solicitors’ Journal, 19 January 1996 (with Toby Wynn)

Hacks army (the press corps in Bosnia-Herzogovina): Esquire magazine, February 1996

Liability for defective products affecting animals: CPA and breach of contract: Solicitors’ Journal, 2 February 1996 p. 102

Liability for defective products affecting animals: negligence: Solicitors’ Journal, 9 February 1996 p. 120

The law according to Scott: Solicitors’ Journal, 23 February 1996

Bosnia: On the dangerous edge of things: Contemporary Review, March 1996, p. 126

Towards a Christian philosophy of art: Theologia Cambrensis, Vol 8, No. 2, p.4

A lost chance recovered: (First Interstate Bank of California v Cohen Arnold & Co.) : Solicitors’ Journal, 31 May 1996

Res ipsa loquitur: the Defendant’s friend: Solicitors’ Journal, August 1996

Review of ‘Jerusalem in the Twentieth Century’, by Martin Gilbert: Contemporary Review, October 1996, p. 217

The shareholder under the Clapham omnibus (The conjoined multiplier cases in the Court of Appeal): Solicitors’ Journal, 1 November 1996 p. 1044

Causation in medical negligence cases: recent developments: Solicitors’ Journal, 15 November 1996, p. 1098

Greenland: Vanity, seal-meat and gonorrhoea: Contemporary Review, January 1995 p.1

A plea for a lost chance: Hotson reconsidered: New Law Journal, February 17 1995 p. 228 and February 24 1995 p. 248 (in two parts).

It shouldn’t happen to a vet: A guide to law and practice in veterinary negligence cases: Solicitors’ Journal, 3 March 1995 p. 186

The Palestinians in Lebanon: Singing somebody’s song in a strange land: Contemporary Review, June 1995, p.281

Flogging a live horse: Solicitors’ Journal, 2 June 1995 p. 522

A worrying conception: Walkin v S. Manchester H.A.: Solicitors’ Journal, 15 September 1995

Lebanon: The Silent Choice: Contemporary Review, October 1995, p.183

Ten ways to avoid getting killed in the Middle East: Esquire magazine, November 1995

Now what? The brand new Palestine that never was: Contemporary Review, January 1994 p.1

An unknown horse’s breakfast: Disclosure of Veterinary Records: New Law Journal, January 7 1994 p.10

Turkey: An Anatomy of boredom: Contemporary Review: February 1994 p. 62

On the trail of a taboo: Female Circumcision in the Islamic World: Contemporary Review: May 1994

Many a slip: Solicitor’s Journal, September 16 1994

The price of animal suffering: The quantum of damages in veterinary negligence cases: New Law Journal, January 29 1993 p. 123

Jerusalem, Geneva and the Hills of Lebanon: New Law Journal, February 26 1993 p. 282

Syria: A tale of two ironies: Contemporary Review, March 1993 p. 147

The Cross, the Crescent and the Star: Arab Christian-Muslim Relations and the politics of Israeli occupation: Contemporary Review, August 1993 p. 75

The Dershowitz Principle: New Law Journal, September 10 1993 p. 1252

The God who fries fish: Third Way, April 1992, p.15

Algerians in France: The Times, January 23 1992

Who won the war? Greed, schism and the party faithful in Vietnam: Contemporary Review, November 1992 p. 240

Is the triangle still golden? The politics of opium and the new regime in Thailand: Contemporary Review, May 1992 p.244

Israel: The Temple Mount and the Crisis of the Courts: New Law Journal, January 11 1991, p.34

A Promised Land? New Law Journal, May 21 1991 p. 702

A Passage to India: Veterinary Record 1987

Leech hunting in East Africa: Chiron, 1986, p. 26

A leech-hunter in East Africa: Bulletin of the East African Natural History Society, January/February 1985